Version: 1.1.108

libtaxii.constants Module


Version IDs

The following constants can be used as TAXII Version IDs

libtaxii.constants.VID_TAXII_SERVICES_10 = ''

Version ID for the TAXII Services Specification 1.0

libtaxii.constants.VID_TAXII_SERVICES_11 = ''

Version ID for the TAXII Services Specification 1.1

libtaxii.constants.VID_TAXII_XML_10 = ''

Version ID for the TAXII XML Message Binding Specification 1.0

libtaxii.constants.VID_TAXII_XML_11 = ''

Version ID for the TAXII XML Message Binding Specification 1.1

libtaxii.constants.VID_TAXII_HTTP_10 = ''

Version ID for the TAXII HTTP Protocol Binding Specification 1.0

libtaxii.constants.VID_TAXII_HTTPS_10 = ''

Version ID for the TAXII HTTPS Protocol Binding Specification 1.0

The following are third-party Version IDs included in libtaxii for convenience.

libtaxii.constants.VID_CERT_EU_JSON_10 = ''

Version ID for the CERT EU JSON Message Binding

Content Binding IDs

The following constants should be used as the Content Binding ID for STIX XML.

libtaxii.constants.CB_STIX_XML_10 = ''

Content Binding ID for STIX XML 1.0

libtaxii.constants.CB_STIX_XML_101 = ''

Content Binding ID for STIX XML 1.0.1

libtaxii.constants.CB_STIX_XML_11 = ''

Content Binding ID for STIX XML 1.1

libtaxii.constants.CB_STIX_XML_111 = ''

Content Binding ID for STIX XML 1.1.1

These other Content Binding IDs are included for convenience as well.

libtaxii.constants.CB_CAP_11 = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1'

Content Binding ID for CAP 1.1

libtaxii.constants.CB_XENC_122002 = ''

Content Binding ID for XML Encryption

libtaxii.constants.CB_SMIME = 'application/x-pks7-mime'

Content Binding ID for SMIME

Namespace Map

This constant contains commonly namespaces and aliases in TAXII.

libtaxii.constants.NS_MAP = {'taxii': '', 'taxii_11': '', 'tdq': ''}

Namespace map of namespaces libtaxii knows about

Message Types

libtaxii.constants.MSG_STATUS_MESSAGE = 'Status_Message'

Constant identifying a Status Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_DISCOVERY_REQUEST = 'Discovery_Request'

Constant identifying a Discovery Request Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_DISCOVERY_RESPONSE = 'Discovery_Response'

Constant identifying a Discovery Response Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_FEED_INFORMATION_REQUEST = 'Feed_Information_Request'

Constant identifying a Feed Information Request Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_FEED_INFORMATION_RESPONSE = 'Feed_Information_Response'

Constant identifying a Feed Information Response Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_MANAGE_FEED_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST = 'Subscription_Management_Request'

Constant identifying a Subscription Management Request Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_MANAGE_FEED_SUBSCRIPTION_RESPONSE = 'Subscription_Management_Response'

Constant identifying a Subscription Management Response Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_POLL_REQUEST = 'Poll_Request'

Constant identifying a Poll Request Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_POLL_RESPONSE = 'Poll_Response'

Constant identifying a Poll Response Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_INBOX_MESSAGE = 'Inbox_Message'

Constant identifying a Inbox Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_TYPES_10 = ('Status_Message', 'Discovery_Request', 'Discovery_Response', 'Feed_Information_Request', 'Feed_Information_Response', 'Subscription_Management_Request', 'Subscription_Management_Response', 'Poll_Request', 'Poll_Response', 'Inbox_Message')

TAXII 1.0 Message Types

libtaxii.constants.MSG_POLL_FULFILLMENT_REQUEST = 'Poll_Fulfillment'

Constant identifying a Status Message

libtaxii.constants.MSG_COLLECTION_INFORMATION_REQUEST = 'Collection_Information_Request'

Constant identifying a Collection Information Request

libtaxii.constants.MSG_COLLECTION_INFORMATION_RESPONSE = 'Collection_Information_Response'

Constant identifying a Collection Information Response

libtaxii.constants.MSG_MANAGE_COLLECTION_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST = 'Subscription_Management_Request'

Constant identifying a Subscription Request

libtaxii.constants.MSG_MANAGE_COLLECTION_SUBSCRIPTION_RESPONSE = 'Subscription_Management_Response'

Constant identifying a Subscription Response

libtaxii.constants.MSG_TYPES_11 = ('Status_Message', 'Discovery_Request', 'Discovery_Response', 'Collection_Information_Request', 'Collection_Information_Response', 'Subscription_Management_Request', 'Subscription_Management_Response', 'Poll_Request', 'Poll_Response', 'Inbox_Message', 'Poll_Fulfillment')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Message Types

Status Types

These constants are used in StatusMessage.

libtaxii.constants.ST_BAD_MESSAGE = 'BAD_MESSAGE'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Bad Message

libtaxii.constants.ST_DENIED = 'DENIED'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Denied

libtaxii.constants.ST_FAILURE = 'FAILURE'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Failure

libtaxii.constants.ST_NOT_FOUND = 'NOT_FOUND'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Not Found


Constant identifying a Status Type of Polling Unsupported

libtaxii.constants.ST_RETRY = 'RETRY'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Retry

libtaxii.constants.ST_SUCCESS = 'SUCCESS'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Success


Constant identifying a Status Type of Unauthorized


Constant identifying a Status Type of Unsupported Message Binding


Constant identifying a Status Type of Unsupported Content Binding


Constant identifying a Status Type of Unsupported Protocol Binding


Tuple of all TAXII 1.0 Status Types


Constant identifying a Status Type of Asynchronous Poll Error


Constant identifying a Status Type of Destination Collection Error


Constant identifying a Status Type of Invalid Response Part

libtaxii.constants.ST_NETWORK_ERROR = 'NETWORK_ERROR'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Network Error

libtaxii.constants.ST_PENDING = 'PENDING'

Constant identifying a Status Type of Pending


Constant identifying a Status Type of Unsupported Query Format


Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Status types

Subscription Actions

These constants are used in ManageFeedSubscriptionRequest

libtaxii.constants.ACT_SUBSCRIBE = 'SUBSCRIBE'

Constant identifying an Action of Subscribe

libtaxii.constants.ACT_UNSUBSCRIBE = 'UNSUBSCRIBE'

Constant identifying an Action of Unsubscribe

libtaxii.constants.ACT_STATUS = 'STATUS'

Constant identifying an Action of Status

libtaxii.constants.ACT_TYPES_10 = ('SUBSCRIBE', 'UNSUBSCRIBE', 'STATUS')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.0 Action Types

libtaxii.constants.ACT_PAUSE = 'PAUSE'

Constant identifying an Action of Pause

libtaxii.constants.ACT_RESUME = 'RESUME'

Constant identifying an Action of Resume

libtaxii.constants.ACT_TYPES_11 = ('SUBSCRIBE', 'PAUSE', 'RESUME', 'UNSUBSCRIBE', 'STATUS')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Action types

Service Types

These constants are used to indicate the type of service.

libtaxii.constants.SVC_INBOX = 'INBOX'

Constant identifying a Service Type of Inbox

libtaxii.constants.SVC_POLL = 'POLL'

Constant identifying a Service Type of Poll


Constant identifying a Service Type of Feed Management

libtaxii.constants.SVC_DISCOVERY = 'DISCOVERY'

Constant identifying a Service Type of Discovery

libtaxii.constants.SVC_TYPES_10 = ('INBOX', 'POLL', 'FEED_MANAGEMENT', 'DISCOVERY')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.0 Service Types


Constant identifying a Service Type of Collection Management. “Feed Management” was renamed to “Collection Management” in TAXII 1.1.


Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Service Types

Subscription Statuses

These constants are used in ManageCollectionSubscriptionResponse

libtaxii.constants.SS_ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE'

Subscription Status of Active

libtaxii.constants.SS_PAUSED = 'PAUSED'

Subscription Status of Paused


Subscription Status of Unsubscribed

libtaxii.constants.SS_TYPES_11 = ('ACTIVE', 'PAUSED', 'UNSUBSCRIBED')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Subscription Statues

Response Types

These constants are used to indicate the type of response returned.

libtaxii.constants.RT_FULL = 'FULL'

Constant identifying a response type of Full

libtaxii.constants.RT_COUNT_ONLY = 'COUNT_ONLY'

Constant identifying a response type of Count only

libtaxii.constants.RT_TYPES_11 = ('FULL', 'COUNT_ONLY')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Response Types

Collection Types

These constants are used to indicate the type of collection.

libtaxii.constants.CT_DATA_FEED = 'DATA_FEED'

Constant identifying a collection type of Data Feed

libtaxii.constants.CT_DATA_SET = 'DATA_SET'

Constant identifying a collection type of Data Set

libtaxii.constants.CT_TYPES_11 = ('DATA_FEED', 'DATA_SET')

Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Collection Types

Status Details

These constants are used in StatusMessage.


Constant Identifying the Acceptable Destination Status Detail

libtaxii.constants.SD_MAX_PART_NUMBER = 'MAX_PART_NUMBER'

Constant Identifying the Max Part Number Status Detail

libtaxii.constants.SD_ITEM = 'ITEM'

Constant Identifying the Item Status Detail


Constant Identifying the Estimated Wait Status Detail

libtaxii.constants.SD_RESULT_ID = 'RESULT_ID'

Constant Identifying the Result ID Status Detail

libtaxii.constants.SD_WILL_PUSH = 'WILL_PUSH'

Constant Identifying the Will Push Status Detail


Constant Identifying the Supported Binding Status Detail


Constant Identifying the Supported Content Status Detail


Constant Identifying the Supported Protocol Status Detail


Constant Identifying the Supported Query Status Detail


Tuple of all TAXII 1.1 Status Detail Keys


(For TAXII Default Query) Constant identifying supported Capability Modules


(For TAXII Default Query) Constant identifying Preferred Scopes

libtaxii.constants.SD_ALLOWED_SCOPE = 'ALLOWED_SCOPE'

(For TAXII Default Query) Constant identifying Allowed Scopes


(For TAXII Default Query) Constant identifying supported Targeting Expression IDs

Query Formats

These constants are used to indicate query format.


Query Capability Modules

These constants are used to indicate TAXII Default Query Capability Modules

libtaxii.constants.CM_CORE = ''

Capability Module ID for Core

libtaxii.constants.CM_REGEX = ''

Capability Module ID for Regex

libtaxii.constants.CM_TIMESTAMP = ''

Capability Module ID for Timestamp

libtaxii.constants.CM_IDS = ('', '', '')

Tuple of all capability modules defined in TAXII Default Query 1.0

Query Operators

These constants are used to identify the operator in :py:class`Criteria`

libtaxii.constants.OP_OR = 'OR'

Operator OR

libtaxii.constants.OP_AND = 'AND'

Operator AND

libtaxii.constants.OP_TYPES = ('OR', 'AND')

Tuple of all operators

Query Status Types

TAXII Default Query 1.0 identifies three additional Status Types:


Status Type indicating an unsupported capability module


Status Type indicating an unsupported targeting expression


Status Type indicating an unsupported targeting expression id

Query Parameters

These constants are used to identify parameters.

libtaxii.constants.P_VALUE = 'value'

Parameter name: value

libtaxii.constants.P_MATCH_TYPE = 'match_type'

Parameter name: match_type

libtaxii.constants.P_CASE_SENSITIVE = 'case_sensitive'

Parameter name: case_sensitive

libtaxii.constants.P_NAMES = ('value', 'match_type', 'case_sensitive')

Tuple of all parameter names

Query Relationships

These constants are used to identify relationships

libtaxii.constants.R_EQUALS = 'equals'

Relationship name: equals

libtaxii.constants.R_NOT_EQUALS = 'not_equals'

Relationship name: not_requals

libtaxii.constants.R_GREATER_THAN = 'greater_than'

Relationship name: greater_than

libtaxii.constants.R_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = 'greater_than_or_equal'

Relationship name: greater_than_or_equal

libtaxii.constants.R_LESS_THAN = 'less_than'

Relationship name: less_than

libtaxii.constants.R_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = 'less_than_or_equal'

Relationship name: less_than_or_equal

libtaxii.constants.R_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 'does_not_exist'

Relationship name: does_not_exist

libtaxii.constants.R_EXISTS = 'exists'

Relationship name: exists

libtaxii.constants.R_BEGINS_WITH = 'begins_with'

Relationship name: begins_with

libtaxii.constants.R_ENDS_WITH = 'ends_with'

Relationship name: ends_with

libtaxii.constants.R_CONTAINS = 'contains'

Relationship name: contains

libtaxii.constants.R_MATCHES = 'matches'

Relationship name: matches

libtaxii.constants.R_NAMES = ('equals', 'not_equals', 'greater_than', 'greater_than_or_equal', 'less_than', 'less_than_or_equal', 'does_not_exist', 'exists', 'begins_with', 'ends_with', 'contains', 'matches')

Tuple of all relationship names