libtaxii.taxii_default_query Module

Version: 1.1.116

Creating, handling, and parsing TAXII Default Queries.


Default Query

class libtaxii.taxii_default_query.DefaultQuery(targeting_expression_id, criteria)[source]

Bases: libtaxii.messages_11.Query

Conveys a TAXII Default Query.

  • targeting_expression_id (string) – The targeting_expression used in the query
  • criteria (DefaultQuery.Criteria) – The criteria of the query
class Criteria(operator, criteria=None, criterion=None)

Bases: libtaxii.common.TAXIIBase

Represents criteria for a DefaultQuery. Note: At least one criterion OR criteria MUST be present

class Criterion(target, test, negate=False)

Bases: libtaxii.common.TAXIIBase

Represents criterion for a DefaultQuery.Criteria

  • target (string) – A targeting expression identifying the target
  • test (DefaultQuery.Criterion.Test) – The test to be applied to the target
  • negate (bool) – Whether the result of applying the test to the target should be negated
class Test(capability_id, relationship, parameters=None)

Bases: libtaxii.common.TAXIIBase

  • capability_id (string) – The ID of the capability module that defines the relationship & parameters
  • relationship (string) – The relationship (e.g., equals)
  • parameters (dict of key/value pairs) – The parameters for the relationship.


import libtaxii.taxii_default_query as tdq
from libtaxii.taxii_default_query import Test
from libtaxii.taxii_default_query import Criterion
from libtaxii.taxii_default_query import Criteria
from libtaxii.constants import *
import datetime

# A Taxii Default Query *Test* gives the consumer granular control over the
# Target of a Query by applying unambiguos relationship requirements specified
# using a standardized vocabulary.

# Each Relationship (e.g. equals, matches, greater_than, etc.) in a Capability
# Module defines a set of paramater fields, capable of expressing that
# relation.

# The *equals* relationship, of the Core Capability Module,  returns True if
# the target matches the value exactly. If the target merely contains the
# value (but does not match exactly) the relationship Test returns False.
test_equals = Test(capability_id=CM_CORE,
                   parameters={'value': 'Test value',
                               'match_type': 'case_sensitive_string'})

# The *matches* relationship, in the context of the Regular Expression
# Capability Module, returns true if the target matches the regular expression
# contained in the value.
test_matches = Test(capability_id=CM_REGEX,
                    parameters={'value': '[A-Z]*',
                                'case_sensitive': True})

# The *greater than* relationship, in the context of the Timestamp Capability
# Module returns True if the target's timestamp indicates a later time than
# that specified by this value. This relationship is only valid for timestamp
# comparisons.
test_timestamp = Test(capability_id=CM_TIMESTAMP,

# A *Criterion* specifies how a Target is evaluated against a Test. Within a
# Criterion, the Target is used to identify a specific region of a record to
# which the Test should be applied. Slash Notation Targeting Expression syntax,
# in conjunction with a Targeting Expression Vocabulary, are used to form a
# Targeting Expression

# A Multi-field Wildcard (**). This indicates any Node or series of Nodes,
# specified by double asterisks.
criterion1 = Criterion(target='**',

# Indicates that *id* fields in the STIX Indicator construct are in scope
criterion2 = Criterion(target='STIX_Package/Indicators/Indicator/@id',

# Indicates that all STIX Description fields are in scope
criterion3 = Criterion(target='**/Description',

# *Criteria* consist of a logical operator (and/or) that should be applied to
# child Criteria and Criterion to determine whether content matches this query.

criteria1 = Criteria(operator=OP_AND,

criteria2 = Criteria(operator=OP_OR,
                     criterion=[criterion1, criterion2, criterion3])

criteria3 = Criteria(operator=OP_AND,
                     criterion=[criterion1, criterion3],

# query1, query2 and query3 would be able to be used in TAXII requests that
# contain queries (e.g., PollRequest Messages)
query1 = tdq.DefaultQuery(targeting_expression_id=CB_STIX_XML_111,

query2 = tdq.DefaultQuery(targeting_expression_id=CB_STIX_XML_111,

query3 = tdq.DefaultQuery(targeting_expression_id=CB_STIX_XML_111,

Default Query Info

class libtaxii.taxii_default_query.DefaultQueryInfo(targeting_expression_infos, capability_modules)[source]

Bases: libtaxii.messages_11.SupportedQuery

Used to describe the TAXII Default Queries that are supported.

  • targeting_expression_infos (list of TargetingExpressionInfo objects) – Describe the supported targeting expressions
  • capability_modules (list of str) – Indicate the supported capability modules
class TargetingExpressionInfo(targeting_expression_id, preferred_scope=None, allowed_scope=None)

Bases: libtaxii.common.TAXIIBase

This class describes supported Targeting Expressions

  • targeting_expression_id (string) – The supported targeting expression ID
  • preferred_scope (list of string) – Indicates the preferred scope of queries
  • allowed_scope (list of string) – Indicates the allowed scope of queries


import libtaxii.taxii_default_query as tdq
from libtaxii.taxii_default_query import TargetingExpressionInfo
from libtaxii.constants import *

# *TargetingExpressionInfo* describes which expressions are available to
# a consumer when submitting a query to a taxii service. A
# `targetting_expression_id` indicates a suppoted targetting vocabulary
# TargetingExpressionInfo also contains the permissible scope of queries.

# This example has no preferred scope, and allows any scope
tei_01 = TargetingExpressionInfo(

# This example prefers the Indicator scope and allows no other scope
tei_02 = TargetingExpressionInfo(

# *DefaultQueryInfo* describes the TAXII Default Queries that are supported
# using a list of TargetExpressionInfo objects, and a list of capability
# module identifiers.
tdqi1 = tdq.DefaultQueryInfo(
    targeting_expression_infos=[tei_01, tei_02],